Monday, November 28

I am thankful for pie

Obviously, because pie is awesome. I hear about this great place called Dangerously Delicious, and it's all pie. I haven't been but it sounds pretty spectacular and came highly recommended by a fellow cook. I'll have to go there soon, nothing like warm pie on a winter evening. Any guy friend of mine reading, this would be a great date.
Speaking of pies, dessert was my responsibility for Thanksgiving this year. I ended up making two Pumpkin Pies, two Pecan Pies, and one Apple. On a side note I was watching When Harry Met Sally last night which is awesome because I always say "Pecan Pie" the way Billy Crystal does in that scene with Meg Ryan. Back to my pies, they turned out great but no holiday is complete without a little drama. Pecan Pie, for those of you who don't know is very watery before it bakes. Although I use the same recipe for my Pecan Pies I do tend to change up my pie dishes. I only have one decent pie dish so when it comes time to bake a lot I buy the pie tins from the store. Well this year I must have purchased a pie tin that was a little more shallow than usual because as I was loading my Pecans into the oven some of the sugary goodness spilled over. It sounds silly to say but my mom and I weren't too concerned about it and left it alone. Thirty-forty minutes later, I open up the oven to a massive cloud of smoke. My dad claims he couldn't see the kitchen from the living room but he tends to be a little dramatic (read very dramatic). I don't know what the chemical process is that takes place when something bakes but I can tell you that sugar continues to burn and burn...which now seems like common sense, oops. Once we removed what had turned into a black chunk of sugar moon rock and fanned out the kitchen, we were good to go. Another side note, our fire alarm did not go off which is pretty scary, I think the house would burn down before we'd get a chirp out of that damn thing.

So aside from a little bit of smoke, the rest of the pies turned out fine and drama free. I think I may have made the crust a little too thick with my Apple but my mom and I are big crust lovers. Crust is, after all, the secret to a great pie and it just so happens I have a great recipe from a friends grandmother. If you're curious for it shoot me an email and I'll send it to you, you've got to work for it.

I would be proud to partake in your Pecan Piiiie...

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