Wednesday, October 12

8 Dozen

My biggest fan at work asked me to make 8 dozen cupcakes for her for an event she was having. For those of you counting along at home that would be 96 cupcakes. When I agreed to do it I honestly didn't realize how many cupcakes I was making until someone said it. Then, "oh shit, I'm making almost 100 cupcakes." So the night finally came. The actual baking part was a breeze I have 2 cupcake pans at home and some friends broought a few more over so I finished that part in a little over an hour. now the decorating... well that's another story.

I Googled a few ideas and sent her some asking what she was looking for. She had mentioned a pink and black theme so based on what I found online and what we talked about I just ran with it. Upon my research I came to the conclusion that I would have to use fondant. I hate fondant. I think it's a little lazy and a bit of a cop out. I love sugar flowers and bows and whatnot but when people make entire cake out of fondant... whatever. Now if you can do that with regular icing, then go you. That's my spiel, so obviously I was reluctant to use the stuff. Luckily I had some amazing friends over to help me that night. Mom helped a little too but baking isn't so much her thing. Wine on the other hand...
Anyway so we tackled it, one cupcake at a time. The other two girls hadn't used fondant either but we all did an amazing job adapting and figuring out how to work it. We only used it for 2 dozen of the cupcakes and for decorative lines for some of the other cupcakes. My biggest reason for using it was I needed a flat survace and I wasn't sure how to create one with buttercream. I found this which talks about how to flatten buttercream with a papertowel. It works amazingly but I didn't have a chance to try it out before the big day so I was nervous about it.
Below is one example of the designs used for the cupcakes, needless to say I recieved a lot of compliments from the woman who ordered them and the guests at her event. I think I'm going to get a lot more business because of these babies...

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